Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Importance of Collaboration in Elementary Education

Teacher collaboration is extremely important for many reasons. In the most basic sense, two teachers working together will benefit any student who needs extra help in certain areas. But on a more specific level, collaboration is very important for exceptional children especially at the elementary age. At this age, exceptional children are identified and labeled. At this time it is extremely important for teachers to collaborate to make sure the child is getting the best education available (Brownell, Adams, Sindelar, Waldron, 2006). This is the best way for a child to learn and studies haveshown that even teachers will become better at their field by working together. 

For exceptional children, collaboration between their teachers is vital. But it's important to also understand that teachers can and should collaborate on any subject. Older teachers can help newer teachers, teachers who are stronger in math can help a teacher who is struggling to teacher her students. Teachers can work together to plan lessons and projects that will benefit all students (Boss 2009). Nowadays teacher collaboration isn't just between teachers in one school. Now teachers can collaborate across the country on a website called Teach 21. This website was developed by teachers in West Virginia and really shows how helpful collaboration can be. It also is a huge testament to our technology that we can collaborate online.

1. Bronell, M., Adams, A., Sindelar, P., Wladron, N. (2006). Learning from collaboration: the role of teacher qualities. Exceptional Children, 72(2), 169-185. Retrieved from:

2. Boss, S., (2009). Making time for teacher collaboration is crucial. Edutopia. Retrieved from:

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